Schaitberger’s Big Lie

Eric Lamar
4 min readJun 30, 2020


An Aging Fab Four Weighs In

State presidents of the IAFF’s 10th regional district issued a thin statement in support of Harold Schaitberger last night, apparently in light of last week’s devastating article in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) about Schaitberger’s corruption.


Schaitberger has been taking an improper pension for some twenty years, owes a million dollars or more in back taxes, padded his vacation pay to get more cash and extorts money meant to help sick children.

According to California’s Brian Rice, Arizona’s Bryan Jeffries, Hawaii’s Bobby Lee and New Mexico’s Robert Sanchez, that makes Harold Schaitberger a visionary leader “who puts members first.”


They go on to say, speaking of Schaitberger’s misdoings, “Our 16 vice presidents, all men of integrity and honor, took those allegations seriously and are properly following IAFF’s bylaws to investigate the claims.”


Most of the vice-presidents have neither integrity nor honor; they supported Schaitberger’s plundering of the IAFF and have themselves profited; they violated our Constitution.


They also engaged in flagrant self-dealing as when the 2012 board voted themselves an unauthorized increase in severance pay making them guilty of corruption, as well.


The Fab Four went on to say, “This act [the WSJ article] was a violation of executive stewardship, and to read about an incomplete investigation in the news media is an affront to union principles.”

This is both laugh-out-loud funny and evidence of Hitler’s “Big Lie.”

Stewardship implies taking care of something and the only thing Schaitberger has taken care of is himself, his Bitch Boys and cronies. He also has no principles, ethics or morality.

Which brings us to the Big Lie.

The Schaitberger Playbook

Hitler famously said, “…that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature…”

Schaitberger and his Bitch Boys, be they vice-presidents, state presidents or whomever, are telling you that what you can see with your own eyes, right down to the three legal opinions, isn’t true — the perfect Big Lie.

Here’s why and it all comes down to IAFF politics, no surprise there.

Schaitberger loses any control he may have when evidence of his corruption leaks outside the IAFF, as it already has. The big emphasis on so-called “governance and process” is to try and impede or stop the ethics committee investigation or to keep any findings confidential. If he can keep it confidential, keep the members from seeing it, he thinks he wins.

Schaitberger will stop at nothing, Big Lies included, to keep us from knowing the details. He is terrified of disclosure which is the only thing that can save the IAFF.

Don’t be fooled by aging Bitch Boys being rolled out to sing a chorus of “good governance”, their noses are a mile long and they know it.

More locals need to do what New York’s 854 did, demand full disclosure, now.

If you are against full, ongoing and immediate disclosure, you are a Bitch Boy (or Girl) in the making.


End the Schaitberger Corruption, Please Share.

