Schaitberger Gets a Reality Check
Loses his own state and local at VPFF Convention
In a stunning upset, the Virginia Professional Fire Fighters (VPFF) unanimously endorsed Ed Kelly for IAFF president at their convention in Roanoke yesterday.
Harold Schaitberger, the current president up for re-election, began in Virginia and helped start the Fairfax County, Virginia, local before leaving for the IAFF after a handful of years as a firefighter there.
Details of his many misdeeds are beginning to sink in to a wider population of IAFF members.
Earlier this week, Schaitberger sent a slick video to IAFF leadership where, dressed in an expensive suit and with IAFF symbols as a background, he whined about his woes connected to an improper pension he has been receiving.
Schaitberger, with a compensation package of over $500,000 a year, cried poor mouth to IAFF members who have lost thousands of dollars of overtime pay and part-time work during the Covid-19 pandemic.
His video not only fell flat, it was an insult to IAFF members struggling to survive.
As IAFF members, we have been paying out of our pockets for his double-dipping pension, even as he receives $32,000 a month in salary.
Some IAFF members work nearly six months to make $32,000.
Schaitberger is a selfish and greedy leech on our union and so are the vice presidents and other affiliate “leaders” who back his schemes.
Frank Lima, an IAFF vice president, wrote the report OKing the Schaitberger pension; a report which failed the smell test with IAFF members.
His basic argument is that if you steal from us long enough, it’s not fair to ask for the money back.
He lacked the character necessary to tell Schaitberger to stop his pension grab and is now exposed as just another Schaitberger shill.
Frank Lima is Schaitberger’s kind of guy: scam whatever you can, as long as you can.
Just as the members didn’t buy Schaitberger’s pension con, they will also condemn his vacation pay scheme, over contribution to deferred compensation and failure to pay taxes.
IAFF members are waking up to the fact that for twenty years we have been the Harold Schaitberger personal piggy bank.
Harold Schaitberger has disgraced the IAFF, it’s time to take our union back.