New Lancet Study: Vaccine Works
Deniers look stupider, if possible
A three-day old study in the highly respected medical journal Lancet documents that Covid-19 vaccines
- prevented a spring-wave of COVID-19 in NYC due to the spread of Alpha and Delta variants
- averted 290,467 cases
- 48,076 hospitalizations
- 8,508 deaths
from December 14, 2020 to July 15, 2021.
And without vaccinations there would have been
- 893,539 infections
- 90,836 hospitalizations
- 17,522 deaths
That corresponds “to an average reduction of 32.5% cases, 52.9% hospitalizations and 48.6% deaths during the evaluation period.”
The authors say,
“Our study demonstrates that the vaccination program in NYC was instrumental to substantially reducing the COVID-19 burden and suppressing a surge of cases attributable to more transmissible variants. As the Delta variant sweeps predominantly among unvaccinated individuals, our findings underscore the urgent need to accelerate vaccine uptake and close the vaccination coverage gaps.”
“As vaccines have been administered, cases in NYC have declined from more than 5,500 average daily cases in January 2020 to less than 350 average daily cases in early July 2021, despite the emergence of highly transmissible variants.”
From a fire/EMS and union perspective, New York fire unions and IAFF president Ed Kelly look especially stupid for using a lower infection rate as a reason to refuse the vaccine when the vaccine is responsible for the lower infection rate.
No wonder the public is telling them to take a hike.
FDNY/IAFF vaccine refusal is an intellectual, scientific and moral fairy tale told and retold without concern for the truth or the consequences.