IAFF: The Schaitberger Ten
President Kelly Throws Down the Gauntlet
In a lengthy email sent yesterday, Kelly called out ten members of the current board for their actions in covering up the massive corruption during Harold Schaitberger’s time as IAFF president.
He wrote,
The ten DVPs … are the same ten who voted to heavily redact reports of our Ethical Practices Committee (EPC), effectively withholding the full truth from our IAFF affiliate leaders.
The email was occasioned by Kelly’s firing of the IAFF’s outside legal counsel, a move the ten board members oppose calling it “unilateral and abrupt.”
They told Kelly to rescind the firing citing IAFF Constitution and By-Laws as justification for their position.
For the nearly two decades that Harold Schaitberger was president, many of these same vice-presidents sat placidly by as he enriched his friends, lined his pockets and feathered his nest. Sweetheart deals, improper severance packages and no-bid contracts were the order of the day.
Now they “find their voice.”
Perhaps because a new legal counsel might unearth additional evidence of the board’s corrupt behavior over twenty long years.
Either that or new counsel would call a legal halt to the marathon IAFF gravy train.
The last thing Schaitberger’s hoodlums want is a new set of eyes prying into their long history of odious conduct.
Kelly was also motivated by the looming Federal investigation of Schaitberger saying,
“The receipt of a recently issued grand jury subpoena requesting ten years’ worth of records pertaining to former General President Schaitberger has served to further convince me that the termination of MSE is necessary to protect the IAFF.”
It must astound the Feds that a majority of IAFF vice-presidents are openly defying actions designed to promote transparency and reform.
The bloated kamikaze pilots listed below are the Schaitberger Ten and they are in the final desperate act of destroying our union.
Let them know you’ve had enough.
Mark Woolbright, District 2: mwoolbright@iaff.org
Thomas Thornberg, District 5: tthornberg@iaff.org
Mark Sanders, District 8: msanders@iaff.org
Stephen Gilman, District 10: sgilman@iaff.org
Roy ‘Sandy’ McGhee, District 11: smcghee@iaff.org
Walter Dix, District 12: wdix@iaff.org
Fred LeBlanc, District 13: fleblanc@iaff.org
Danny Todd, District 14: dtodd@iaff.org
David Burry, District 15: dburry@iaff.org
James Johnson, District 16: jjohnson@iaff.org