IAFF: Schaitberger Does the Dodge
Says No Comment to Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), one of America’s most powerful newspapers, is asking questions about Harold Schaitberger’s illicit pension and other scams.
Talk about a rock and a hard place for our aging emperor and his gang of sticky-fingered urchins also known as the IAFF executive board.
They face three independent legal opinions with the same conclusion: Schaitberger’s drawing of an IAFF pension while being paid an IAFF salary is blatantly improper and in violation of IRS rules, something any woman(or man) on the street would surely know.
And let’s not forget Schaitberger’s padding his so-called “vacation pay” to further line his already bulging pockets.
Schaitberger’s response?
Silence, as if he can stiff-arm press, IAFF members and the law.
But he did write a whining email to the (mostly) simpering and fawning executive board setting out his reasons for clamming up.
Get this — he says he has nothing to say because it’s all confidential.
When IAFF leadership is ripping off the members, it’s our business and confidentiality becomes just another word for cover-up.
Fortunately, the WSJ contacted secretary-treasurer Ed Kelly and he did speak on the record, hopefully about the rampant corruption at the IAFF.
Mark Woolbright, an IAFF vice-president, apparently said that Kelly’s commenting was “burning the IAFF house down” as if openness and disclosure was the real enemy.
Mr. Woolbright and Schaitberger’s other ostriches should know that the house is already on the ground and in ashes and they are the arsonists.
They destroyed it by their collaboration with the thief-in-chief and now they need to bury the evidence.
Just think how Schaitberger’s phony silence looks and sounds to a public, politicians included, whom we depend on for support.
Harold Schaitberger, long in tooth and short on ethics, has destroyed the image of the IAFF.
Schaitberger and his cronies, vice presidents included, won’t evade the Wall Street Journal’s bright and shining light nor the consequences which follow.
Lock’em up and start over.