IAFF: Frankie Over-Promises, Dan Terry Has a Say & a Leader Leads
What we’re hearing.
“Frankie, it’s the VP on line two.
Our own Frankie Lima of LALA land shares his home state with KAmala Harris, U.S. Vice-president and Democratic nominee.

The recent IAFF board meeting having resulted in the pathetically weak ejaculation of “no presidential endorsement” by our intrepid leaders, Frankie was now on the hook.
We hear that VP Harris rang Frankie up to ask why she had to learn about the IAFF non-endorsement from social media.
If so, it’s but another step as the IAFF walks the plank of national politics.
Note to self: If you’re going to abandon the nominee who supports labor, at least deliver the bad news personally.

Terry Knows Best

Dan Terry, former longtime president of the California Professional Firefighters had this to say about the IAFF “leadership’s” decision:
I admit to some bias here because of a long standing friendship with Kamala Harris but I can tell you it is a real gut punch to ignore a candidate who has always been such a great friend to Firefighters. She is gonna win and we have blown a great opportunity to finally advance the IAFF.
Meanwhile, on the campaign trail…
Real leaders emerge.
On October 5, Michigan Professional Firefighters President Matthew Sahr introduced VP Harris at an event.

Sadly, all this proves that leadership is everywhere except at the top of our union.