IAFF: Brian Rice at the Movies!
Does Reagan and Trump, and a Mississippi Fire Chief, Too.
Brian Rice, president of the California Professional Firefighters and aging Schaitberger uber-supporter, treated us to a Youtube video this week that was far more farce than fact.
Schaitberger and the bitch boys have a crucial objective: keep information about his corrupt practices sealed up at the IAFF like Donald Trump’s tax returns. Stop it from leaking out where people can see it for the ethical crime it is.
Rice certainly does his part, first suggesting that news of the fraudulent pension is “executive board level information” implying that dues-paying members have no right to know of the destruction of our union.
He then says that if a member of his staff shared such information, “I’d fire’em” sounding more like a right-to-work fire chief than a union official; we should hope CPF employees are unionized.
Does Rice not know that this information was shared in an open board meeting?
What about the professional responsibility to act on knowledge of corrupt practices?
Rice says that if the information was shared by an elected official, they should be recalled; in Rice’s world stopping corruption gets you removed from office, no wonder Schaitberger loves him.
It gets better (or worse.)
Then, in an extraordinary move, he does his Trump “fake news” impersonation, telling us not to believe what we see in the press.
This is the ultimate bitch boy cop-out as Schaitberger was given the opportunity to comment and refused; Rice supports Schaitberger’s having it both ways: no comment but it’s a lie.
Once again, he bears down on keeping to the “process”, Schaitberger’s only hope to bury the evidence of his flagrant self-dealing.
Rice even closes with the old Ronald Reagan phrase “stay the course” used by Reagan as he was screwing over working Americans with his trickle-down economic policies.
I’ll bet Brian Rice thinks Trump should release his tax returns, school records and Vietnam medical deferments but when it comes to Schaitberger, mums the word.
And that is the textbook definition of hypocrisy.
See the video here.